Tag-Archive for » Dr Herman Kagan «

Charline Ratcliff Reviews: Faith, Supernatural Beliefs & Our Symbolic Brain

Faith, Supernatural Beliefs, Dr. Herman KaganHaving just recently interviewed Dr. Herman Kagan, and finding the life story he shared, plus his viewpoints to be very interesting, I decided I would read his most recent book: “Faith, Supernatural Beliefs & Our Symbolic Brain.” I know the title is a mouthful, but don’t be worried – “Faith, Supernatural Beliefs & Our Symbolic Brain” is a great book.… Read more...

Charline Ratcliff Interviews: Author, Dr. Herman Kagan, Ph. D.

Dr. Herman KaganHello Dr. Kagan and thank you for being willing to share some of your story with us.

Before we get into the “nuts and bolts” of our interview, why don’t you share a little bit about yourself?Read more...