Today is: World Giraffe Day


And, what is that you ask? Well…

World Giraffe Day is a new initiative of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. It is designed  to celebrate the “longest-necked” animal on the longest day, (or night, depending upon which hemisphere you live in), of the year – June 21st.

However, aside from this date/day now being a worldwide celebration for these gentle giants, it’s also an annual event to raise awareness and to shed light on the challenges they face in the wild.

There are now less than 80,000 giraffe remaining in the wild, this means the time to raise awareness of their plight is now…

What can you do? Share news of this internationally celebrated festivity with your family and friends. Visit the Giraffe Conservation Foundation to learn about additional ways that you can help protect this species. If we each provide support, then we can help to secure the future of this amazing creature…

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