Wow, it’s now September…

Where exactly does the time go?

Anyway, I guess it’s that time to learn about some of the useful and/or interesting things that September represents. (As well as to give “Happy Birthday” wishes to all who were born in September).

Observances for this month are:

September’s birthstone:  Sapphire.  Hurrah for all the September babies whose favorite color is blue!

September Fruits and Veggies:  Nectarines, Figs, and … an amazing amount of Peppers! (Cayenne, Chili, Poblano, Serrano and Jalapeno).

September Flowers:  Aster and Forget-me-not. I have to admit, I’m always curious how Forget-me-nots achieved their name…

Did some 10th century English poet create an ode to some fair lady? Wait, no, that’s got to be how “my fair lady” came about…

Okay, so maybe Don Juan handed one of his lovers a bouquet of Forget-me-nots while telling her something along the lines of: “Adios my sweet blah blah blah, forget me not, for I shall never forget you!”

Well, now that I’ve had my fun, here’s the  Wikipedia version…

forget me not, bee

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