Today is the “International Day of Friendship…”

…a day when we celebrate our friendships both far and wide.

“Friendship Day” was originally founded by Hallmark back in 1919. It was intended to be a day for people to celebrate their friendship by sending each other cards. However, by 1940 the market had dried up, and eventually this celebratory custom died out completely.

In 1998, the UN Secretary’s wife, Nane Annan, named Winnie the Pooh as the Ambassador of Friendship at the UN.

Here are some additional facts:

International Friendship Day History:

  • International Friendship Day is designed to foster friendships and bridge the gaps between race, color, religion and other factors which keep humans from enjoying friendship with one another.
  • Proclaimed by the UN in 2011, the purpose is to build communities and help move towards world peace.
  • International Friendship Day is observed on July 30th each year, although most countries celebrate it on the first Sunday in August.

International Friendship Day Facts & Quotes

  • The International Day of Friendship is an important opportunity to confront the misunderstandings and distrust that underlie so many of the tensions and conflicts in today’s world. It is a reminder that human solidarity is essential to promoting lasting peace and fostering sustainable development. – UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, 2013.
  • Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. – Woodrow Wilson

And, (according to the “Friendship Day” declaration), we are invited to “observe this day in an appropriate manner, in accordance with the culture and other appropriate circumstances or customs of their local, national and regional communities, including through education and public awareness-raising activities.”


Intl Friendship Day

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